
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Christian forums

I was just kicked out of another christian forum. They love to hear their own ideals but will kick out anyone with anything different to say. I wonder, if Jesus was to return and used the power of the internet to try to convert people if they would do the same? Would they kick him out as well if he did not agree with them? Something tells me they would.


  1. from what I have been reading you have been getting kicked out of quite a dew Christian forums lately just because you have different beliefs, but I personally find your beliefs more rational than most Christians. I will follow you because I find your blog very interesting and i wish you the best of luck with your goals :)

  2. I was thinking of promoting my blog on a Christian forum, but they kicked me out. Where else am I going to get some publicity! I write good Christian insights into topics, but I just hope someone is reading them!

    Why don't you check out my blog! I hope it teaches you something.

  3. Well if treebytheriver got kicked out I guess I won't even try :) I'm not going to say I agree with you on everything, but I don't fit in very well either.

  4. I don't want to join anything. Maybe you shouldn't either Neo? Perhaps it is not such a bad thing to have a singular belief. In that I mean you having your own beliefs and hope everyone else might follow your example. I have taken the label pantheist because it's definition that God is everything in the universe is what I feel best describes what I feel. But really since I don't believe "God" has any consciousness in a way I may be considered atheist. I am doing what I think everyone should be doing once they have defined themselves adequately. I am making my own belief system. Anyone who wishes to see the start of it is welcome to have a look at

  5. where is book? i wants book. neo no give book. no no give bits of book. cmb leave to change blog stuffs. cmb back. neo same. why neo same? why neo no book? neo make cmb sad. why neo make cmb sad?
